Monday, November 01, 2004

Q: Why Did the Spider Cross the Road?

A: So Jared would see it -while driving 70 mph- and pull over to look!

We drove through Death Valley yesterday and stood in the lowest spot in the continental U.S. It was sunny and warm there, although we were thankful it wasn't summer. (Average temps in July and August are around 100!) We made it to Vegas and had the obligatory buffet dinner. Not too shabby, but a little pricey. Then we drove around for 2 hours trying to find a place to spend the night. We ended up in this seedy RV park (the worst yet) The public restrooms were locked, so we got the first opportunity to use the port-a-potty. (A shout out to Keith and Cindy.) While in Vegas we also stopped at Renegade Hybrids ( )to visit Scott - a key player in the VW's Porsche 5spd transmission implant. It was neat to see all the casinos, but when we leave Las Vegas neither one of us will be looking back... Onward ho.

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